1. W9(4/30)實施遠距教學演練,請務必攜帶手機到校。
2. W10(5/7)實施遠距教學演練第二階段。
3. 預計上課內容
- dominance vs. precedence
[powerpoint slides]
[detailed description]
[video clips]
About dominance
About precedence
- anaphora vs. deixis
- co-indexation (pp.7-9)
- co-reference
- TP
- CP
- Movement
[Subject Auxiliary Inversion and Movement]
[Do-support and Negation]
- C-command (C制約): α c-commands β iff every node dominating α dominates β.
- Binding Theory / Binding Principle / Binding relation
Definition of Binding Theory
Binding theory is about binding, first and foremost. And binding is defined as follows. X binds Y if and only if X c-commands Y and X and Y are coindexed.
(1) [Detailed description of Principle A, B and C] (UPENN)
(Chapter 15 => Chomsky (1981) => Principle A / Principle B / Principle C)
(2)[Detailed description of Principle A, B and C] [MIT]
[Video clip]
4. syntax tree generator [W9 作業 due on 5/7]
5. 期末考範圍:句法學 與 音韻學(共兩章)
6. 從W9-W11,每週句法學問題請上傳到Google Form(每個人皆需詢問問題,算在課堂參與裡)
7. 期中報告(1st draft)可以帶來讓我看,最晚W10截止。
(a) definition of ziji
(b) logophoricity