[Mandarin Chinese]
1. A study of Chinese Reflexives (Yu 1996)
2. Who is ziji? ERP responses to the Chinese reflexive pronoun during sentence comprehension (Li & Zhou, 2010)
"The Principle A of Chomsky's (1981) Binding Theory requires the reflexive pronoun in a sentence to be bound to its antecedent within its governing category. However, in Chinese sentences with a common structure “P-NP1+ VP1+ P-NP2+ VP2+ziji”, in which the P-NP stands for personal name and the reflexive ziji (standing for myself, himself, herself, yourself, ourselves etc., depending on context) is at the object position, ziji can refer to either the local subject (P-NP2, local reference) or the matrix or main subject (P-NP1, long-distance reference) or both (ambiguous reference), depending on properties of VP2"
2. Chinese Reflexive Ziji in Second Language Acquisition (Chen 1995)
3. Processing the Chinese Reflexive “ziji”: Effects of Featural Constraints on Anaphor Resolution (He & Kaiser, 2016)
4. Inanimate ziji and Condition A in Mandarin (Charnavel & Huang 2018)
1. Definition of reflexivity
2. English reflexive logophors (Zlogar & Charnarvel, 2015)
Canonical vs. Non-canonical sentence structure