Hey folks,
In this one-year course, you will be provided with the necessary background in theoretical linguistics (i.e., phonology/phonetic, morphology, syntax and semantics/pragmatics). By the end of the year, you will have developed a broadened perspective on different aspects of linguistics.
As such, you will be required to do extensive reading practice in and out of class. Here is the link to an online page of the assigned textbook. https://www.crane.com.tw/Book/Detail?bokid=0020964&vtmc=000400030001
You can decide whether you would like to make the purchase in person [NTD 575(non-member) / NTD 489 (member)], or launch a group buying with your fellow students (NTD 488).
We will be having a further discussion in this matter this Thursday.
Have a great one,
ps. Please note that you can only reach me via email
or class breaks.