1 複習寒假範圍
2. 10Mar2022第一次syntax小考
[Guided questions]
(1) What is Universal Grammar?
(2) Who is Noam Chomsky?
(3) What is syntax?
(4) What is part of speech?
(5) Can you recognize different parts of speech and their abbreviations?
(A) noun - n
- noun phrase (NP)
(B) verb - v
- verb phrase (VP)
- transitive verb (vt.)
- intransitive verb (vi.)
(C) adjective - adj
- adjective phrase (AdjP)
(D) adverb - adv
- adverb phrase (AdvP)
- adverbials
(E) preposition - p/prep
- prepositional phrase (PP)
(F) complementizer - comp
- complementizer phrase (CP)
- conjunction - (conj)
(G) determiner - det
- determiner phrase (DP)
(6) What is X-bar theory?
(7) What is lexical category?
(8) What is phrase category?
(9) What is constituent?
(10) What are constituency tests?
(11) What is the difference between syntax and (teaching) grammar?
[Supplemental reading]