期中後範圍:[New question sets]
(A) What are suprasegmental features?
Suprasegmental Features - YouTube
(B) What is foot?
(C) What is prosody?
(D) What is stress?
(E) What is rhythm?
(F) What is intonation?
(G) What is tone?
(H) What is tone sandi?
(I) What is a monosyllabic word?
(J) What is a disyllabic word?
=> textbook [Perceptual Phonetics] (K) What is frequency? (L) What is pitch? shorturl.at/qFPV3
(M) What is amplitude? (N) What is loudness?
Loudness and Amplitude - YouTube (O) What is decibel? 6.3 Hearing – Introduction to Psychology (usask.ca) (P) What is vocal range? + (Q) What are vocal registers? https://www.singwise.com/articles/understanding-vocal-range-vocal-registers-and-voice-type-a-glossary-of-vocal-terms