1 [Assigned reading]
(e.) [Textbook Chapter 1]
2 請把上面的文章,看完後做成筆記(最好用word打好帶到班上討論。
3 根據assigned reading (文章+課本內容),回答下列八個問題(in English),帶到班上討論。
- Note: 如果覺得課本或文章內容無法詳盡回答問題本身,可以使用網路資源
- 使用網路資源時,請儘量用自己的話改寫(paraphrasing),並且記得要附註來源。
(A) What is language?
(B) What is communication? How is communication different from language?
(C) The properties of human languages*3
ANS: creativity, displacement, discreteness
(D) How do/did people name something (e.g. Why is the sun called ‘sun’/ 為什麼太陽叫做「太陽」)?
ANS: In light of arbitrariness.
(E) Competence vs. Performance (Noam Chomsky)
(F) Who is Noam Chomsky? => (innate hypothesis, nativism)
(G) What is Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?
(H) What is linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism?
Linguistic determinism: a stronger form of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Linguistic relativism/relativity: a weaker form of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
4 發問問題[Google Form在MS TEAMS上]
5 [Quiz] Textbook- Chapter 1