1 下週複習考(W1-W5)
2 W5課堂筆記
3 發問問題(MS TEAMS)
4 整理ambitransitive, ergative和middle verbs的筆記
5 用syntax tree generator畫[CP[TP[VP]]]的樹狀圖(全展開)
6 影片OR補充資料
It-Clefts and Constituency
TP (Tense Phrase) and Modals
CP (Complementizer Phrase)
Constituency Tests (fundamental)
Constituency Tests (upper-intermediate)
# constituency tests的名稱以我給的四個為準
[Constituency Tests其他補充]
- About information structure
Presupposition (advanced) [看1Characterizing Presupposition即可=>了解Cleft Construction的語意功能<Presupposition vs. Focus>]
What is the difference between Topic and Focus? (advanced)
What is Topic-comment structure? (advanced)